Sunday, October 16, 2011


Well folks, I just arrived back from my inbound orientation in Ankara. When I stepped out of the airport I realized that it was so cold I could see my breath. Home sweet home. (: The weather in Ankara is so cold and so wonderful! I was usually the only one wearing shorts. It felt so nice to be able to wear long pants though, i've been deprived of wearing long pants for almost 2 months.
Anyways, the inbound exchangers of D2430 are absolutely amazing. Even though we only got to see each other for 3 days, and most of us had never met before, I left feeling loved and cared about. I enjoyed adding 23 new people to my family.
Our countries consist of Brazil, Canada, Mexico, America, Germany, Columbia, and Japan. Everyone one of the exchangers is a beautiful and amazing person. I can't express how happy I am but also sad because I don't get to see them until christmas D: I miss them so much already and it hasn't even been 24 hours. Even though we don't all talk and hang out in the same groups, just everyone's presence is enough to make someone feel homesick for a home they never had. <3
While in Ankara we were in meetings 90% of the time. Rotarians went over the 4 d's which we exchangers all know by heart. No Drinking, No Driving, No Drugs, No Dating. And they talked about the chain of command, and how careful we need to be in every situation. Correctly assessing situations will be one of the biggest things most exchangers bring home. Not always noticeable, but it is definitely there.
On the second day we had Turkish lessons almost non stop. It was very helpful but some of it was very comfusing. I loved it. All of it.
We also got to see Ataturk's masoleum. In case you are wondering, Ataturk was the president of Turkey who founded turkey's independence. Muy importante. Also very cool.
I got tears in my eyes as I left my group, sad that we only had 3 days together. We arrived out of our comfort zone and left with knowing that wherever our group is, is home.

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